In the case of e-mails, are regarded as spam:
- to write to a stranger and asked him to visit a site
- to include an individual in a mailing list without their consent
- to spread on a discussion forum messages unrelated to its theme.
Why is it called SPAM?
SPAM is a trademark of corned beef. Specifically SPAM is an acronym for Spiced Pork And Meat (spiced pate with pork and beef). So, it is this yucky thing that all Americans were strung during the second world war.
One might think that the explanation stops there: spam = yucky stuff. However, the use of the word SPAM to refer to abusive emails is due to Monty Python. In one of their shows, dressed as Vikings fans Spam, the British comics belched a song "Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam ...". The song, endless and interpreted as crescendo, covered about other actors in the show.
Why SPAM is so widespread?
It is because this technique costs almost nothing! The purchase of mailing lists is at zero cost (a few tens of euros). Sending emails does not cost much either (just a computer and an Internet connection). Finally, the returns are many: even with a low click rate, a mass mailing to several million addresses generates thousands of visits! Clearly, this is all beneficial for the sender.